- Namespace
urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2- Child elements
Card Name Description 1..1 cbc:ID Attachment ID
A positive identification of the relevant document, such as an unique identifier.Example value:
0..1 cbc:DocumentTypeCode External Item Specifications Type
A functional description of the attachment/image expressed as codeExample value:
0..n cbc:DocumentDescription Attached item description
A short description of the document type.Example value:
Test report
0..1 cac:Attachment Attachment
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOL-T19-B19401
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOL-T19-B19402
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.fatal