Version 4.0.2
This release is based on Peppol POACC version 3.0.12 released 2023-11-27 and mandatory use is set to 2024-02-26. This release is also based on Peppol Logistics version 1.0 with planned use 2024-02-26.
Migration plan
Publication The date is set to 2024-01-10. As of this date the release content is published. Stakeholders can start with implementing the changes.
Mandatory use The date for the release content to become mandatory is set to 2024-02-26 As of this date the old version, May release 2023, is not allowed to be used anymore.
Changes to Peppol documentation below
Changes of BIS documents
New BIS Documents added:
Advanced Despatch Advice with Receipt Advice 1.0
Transport Execution Plan with Request 1.0
Transport Execution Plan Only 1.0
Waybill 1.0
Transportation Status with Request 1.0
Transportation Status Only 1.0
Removed BIS Documents
Advanced Despatch Advice with Response
New transactions
Transport Execution Plan Request 1.0 (T123)
Transport Execution Plan 1.0 (T124)
Waybill 1.0 (T125)
Transportation Status Request 1.0 (T126)
Transportation Status 1.0 (T127)
Receipt Advice 1.0 (T128)
Removed transactions
Despatch Advice Response 1.1 (T121)
BIS documentation
Advanced Despatch Advice with Response is replaced by Avanced Despatch Advice with Receipt Advice.
Advanced Despatch Avice Only is updated from version 1.1 to 1.2.
Weight Statement is updated from version 1.1 to version 1.2.
Syntax documentation
Despatch Advice Response is replaced by Receipt Advice.
Advanced Despatch Advice is updated from version 1.1 to 1.2.
Weight Statement is updated from version 1.1 to 1.2.
Changes to syntax
Advanced Despatch Advice (T120).
Issue Time changed from optional to mandatory since the Version of the document is defined by ID together with Issue Date and Issue Time.
Timezone added to Issue Time, ActualDeliveryTime, StartTime and EndTime in EstimatedDeliveryTime, ActualDespatchTime, .
Element Line under AddressLine changed from optional to mandatory in all places where it is used.
Group DeliveryContact under DeliveryCustomerParty is removed since it was a duplicate. The group Contact under Party should be used instead.
PartyTaxScheme, PartyLegalEntity and Contact added for BuyerCustomerParty and SellerSupplierParty.
Shipment group changed from optional to mandatory.
Attribute @listID under HandlingCode in Consignment changed from optional to mandatory.
PostalAddress, PartyTaxScheme, PartyLegalEntity and Contact added for CarrierParty.
Attributes @listID, @listAgencyID and @listVersionID are added to element TransportEquipmentTypeCode under TransportEquipment in OriginalDespatchTransportationService.
Group MeasurementDimension added in group TransportMeans in ShipmentStage.
Element ID in DeliveryLocation changed from mandatory to optional.
Element StartDate in EstimatedDeliveryPeriod changed from mandatory to optional.
Attribute @listID (mandatory) added to element HandlingCode under TransportHandlingUnit.
To group HazardousItem, the following elements have been added: ID, AdditionalInformation, TechnicalName, CategoryName, HazardousCategoryCode, NetWeightMeasure, NetVolumeMeasure, HazardousGoodsTransit/PackingCriteriaCode, EmergencyTemperature/AttributeID and EmergencyTemperature/Measure.
Attribute @schemeDataURI (optional) added to element ID in AdditionalItemProperty.
Attributes @schemeID and @schemeVersionID for element ID in AdditionalItemProperty changed from mandatory to optional.
Group PartyIdentification changed from mandatory to optional in ManufacturerParty.
Weight Statement (T122)
Issue Time changed from optional to mandatory since the Version of the document is defined by ID together with Issue Date and Issue Time.
Timezone added to Issue Time.
Groups Party Identification and Party Name changed from mandatory to optional for Sender Party, Receiver Party, Weighing Party and Shipper Party.
Postal Address and Contact added for Sender Party, Receiver Party, Weighing Party and Shipper Party.
Changes to code lists and validation artefacts
Validation rules added for Advanced Despatch Advice (T120):
R002: Validation of ProfileID.
R031: AdditionalDocumentReference must contain a DocumentTypeCode or a DocumentType.
R032: DocumentReference (at line level) must contain a DocumentTypeCode or a DocumentType.
R108: The DeliveryCustomerParty must have a PartyIdentifier or a PartyName.
R109: The DespatchSupplierParty must have a PartyIdentifier or a PartyName.
R110: The CarrierParty must have a PartyIdentifier or a PartyName.
R111: The ManufacturerParty must have a PartyIdentifier or a PartyName.
Validation rules added for Weight Statement (T122):
R010: The Weighing party’s Physical location SHALL contain the Name or an Identifier.
R011: The Sender party SHALL contain the Name or an Identifier.
R012: The Receiver party SHALL contain the Name or an Identifier.
R013: The Weighing party SHALL contain the Name or an Identifier.
R014: The Shipper party SHALL contain the Name or an Identifier.
Validation rules added for Transport Execution Plan Request (T123):
R001 - R035. All are new.
Validation rules added for Transport Execution Plan (T124):
R001 - R039. All are new.
Validation rules added for Waybill (T125):
R001 - R051. All are new.
Validation rules added for Transportation Status Request (T126):
R001 - R032. All are new.
Validation rules added for Transportation Status (T127):
R001 - R032. All are new.
Validation rules added for Receipt Advice (T128):
R001 - R110. All are new.
The following Codelists have been added:
Consignment Status Reason (openPEPPOL)
Freight Allowance-Charge Reason Code
Hazard Classes
Receipt Advice Type (openPEPPOL)
Receipt Advice Action (openPEPPOL)
Reject Reason (openPEPPOL)
Transport Handling Unit Reason codes (based on UNCL7007).
Transport Service Code (openPEPPOL)
Transportation Status Code (openPEPPOL)
Transportation Status Type Code (openPEPPOL)
Transport Event Type Code (openPEPPOL)
Weight Statement Type Code (openPEPPOL)
Version 4.0.1
Release date |
2023-02-17 |
Based on Peppol POACC version 3.0.10 released 2022-11-03 and Peppol Logistics version 1.1. Changes to Peppol documentation below
New BIS documents
Added new document - BIS Advanced Ordering 3.0 with the following transactions:
New transaction - Peppol Order Change transaction 3.0 (T114)
New transaction - Peppol Order Cancellation transaction 3.0 (T115)
New transaction - Peppol Order Response Advanced transaction 3.0 (T116)
Existing transaction - Peppol Order transaction 3.3 (T01)
New transaction - Logistics Advanced Despatch Advice with Response 1.1 (T120)
New transaction - Logistics Weight Statement 1.1 (T122)
Existing transaction Logistics Advanced Despatch Advice renamed to Logistics Advanced Despatch Advice only.
New transactions
Peppol Order Change transaction 3.0 (T114)
Peppol Order Cancellation transaction 3.0 (T115)
Peppol Order Response Advanced transaction 3.0 (T116)
BIS documentation
Invoice Response
Definition of status codes in section Status Codes corrected to be in line with rule OP-BR111-R012 so that Accepted is not a final status and Paid is a final status.
Correction of examples in chapter 6.3
Editorial change in the documentaion templates. Many pages in previous releases had a "Last updated" timestamp in the page footer. The timestamp indicated when the HTML-page was generated by the documentation tool, not when the actual content of the page was updated/changed. The timestamp is now removed since it caused a lot of confusion.
Order Response example in the BIS documentation (sectino 7.1.1) has been corrected. The example shows a response with type "Received" (code AB) but the example said that there was amendments in the details (which is not allowed with code AB)
Catalogue with response
Removed broken link to example files in section 6.8 and pointed out the main page Appendix A instead.
Catalogue without response
Removed broken link to example files in section 6.8 and pointed out the main page Appendix A instead.
Correction of a bullet point explaining the example in section "Line TAX Category" in all BISes that uses it.
Changes to syntax
Despatch Advice transaction (T16)
Reference to Sales Order Line number is added as an optional business term on Despatch advice line.
Commodity Classification code added as an optional business term on Despatch advice line.
Optional additional Document reference (incl business terms for attachments) added on header level. Optional business terms for Document references (no attachments) also added on line level.
Optional business term for Carrier Party Identification added to the Carrier Party information.
Optional TransportModeCode added on header level with codes from UN/ECE Rec 19.
Cardinality of DeliveredQuantity on Despatch line changed to mandatory in syntax to correctly reflect the intention of the BIS.
Examples updated
Order transaction (T01)
New business terms for RequestedDeliveryPeriod, Start time (tir01-p042) and End time (tir01-p043). Example updated.
New business term for Project reference/ID (tir01-p044). Example updated.
Order Response transaction (T76)
New business terms for PromisedDeliveryPeriod, Start time (tir76-p010) and End time (tir76-p011). Added to example.
Order Agreement transaction (T110)
Optional element DocumentTypeCode (tir110-p008) added on ItemSpecificationDocumentReference level. Example updated.
Optional element CompanyID added for PartyLegalEntity in both Buyer (tir110-p009) and Seller (tir110-p010). Example updated.
Advanced Despatch Advice (T120).
Optional DocumentStatusCode added.
Optional DespatchAdviceTypeCode added.
Optional @schemeID removed from ID in OrderReference.
Optional DocumentTypeCode added in AdditionalDocumentReference.
Optional PartyName added in DespatchSupplierParty.
Optional PartyTaxScheme added in DespatchSupplierParty.
Optional CompanyID and RegistrationAddress added in PartyLegalEntity under DespatchSupplierParty.
Optional PartyName added in DeliveryCustomerParty.
Optional PartyTaxScheme added in DeliveryCustomerParty.
Optional CompanyID and RegistrationAddress added in PartyLegalEntity under DeliveryCustomerParty.
Optional Contact added in DeliveryCustomerParty.
Optional DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount added in Shipment.
Optional CarrierServiceInstructions removed from Consignment under Shipment.
Optional Information removed from Consignment under Shipment.
Optional HazardousRiskIndicator added in Consignment under Shipment.
Optional HandlingCode added in Consignment under Shipment.
Optional HandlingInstructions added in Consignment under Shipment.
Optional attributes @listID and @name are added to EnvironmentalEmissionTypeCode.
Optional TransportMeansTypeCode added in ShipmentStage under Shipment.
Optional TransportMeans added in ShipmentStage under Shipment.
Optional SpecialTerms added in DeliveryTerms under Delivery in Shipment.
Optional HandlingCode added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional HandlingInstruction added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional HazardousRiskIndicator added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional ShippingMarks added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional TransportEquipment added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional MinimumTemperature and MaximumTemperature added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional GoodsItem added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional Package added in TransportHandlingUnit under Shipment.
Optional ActualDeliveryDate added in Delivery under Shipment
Optional ActualDeliveryTime added in Delivery under Shipment
Optional ActualDespatchDate added in Despatch under Shipment
Optional ActualDespatchTime added in Despatch under Shipment
Optional SalesOrderID added in OrderReference under OrderLineReference at line level.
Optional DocumentTypeCode added in DocumentReference at line level.
Optional ManufacturersItemIdentification added in Item at line level.
Optional ID with attributes @schemeID and @schemeVersionID added in AdditionalItemProperty under Item at line level.
Optional ManufacturerParty added in Item at line level.
Optional Dimension added in Item at line level.
Optional ManufactureTime added in ItemInstance at line level
Optional Shipment removed from line level.
Despatch Advice Response (T121)
Optional PartyIdentification added in SenderParty.
Optional PartyName added in SenderParty.
Optional PostalAddress added in SenderParty.
Optional PartyLegalEntity added in SenderParty.
Optional Contact added in SenderParty.
Optional PartyIdentification added in ReceiverParty.
Optional PartyName added in ReceiverParty.
Optional PostalAddress added in ReceiverParty.
Optional PartyLegalEntity added in ReceiverParty.
Optional Contact added in ReceiverParty.
Mandatory IssueDate and IssueTime added in DocumentReference under DocumentResponse.
Weight Statement (T122)
Optional ID added in PhysicalLocation under WeighingParty.
Optional Name added in PhysicalLocation under WeighingParty.
Optional Description (x2) removed from PhysicalLocation under WeighingParty.
Optional GrossWeightMeasure, NetWeightMeasure and NetNetWeightMeasure removed from GoodsItem under Shipment.
Optional GrossVolumeMeasure and NetVolumeMeasure removed from GoodsItem under Shipment.
Optional CommodityClassification added in Item under GoodsItem in Shipment.
Mandatory MeasurementDimension added in GoodsItem under Shipment.
Changes to code lists and validation artefacts
Validation of code values for Tax Category codes are removed to allow for non-EU categories. In previous release (3.0.4), the TaxScheme/ID was generalized to allow for other schemes than VAT but also that category code should have been generalized. This release addresses this shortcoming (with a consequence that category code isn’t validated). The change affects the following transactions:
Order transaction (T01)
Order Response transaction (T76)
Catalogue transaction (T19)
Order Agreement transaction (T110)
Punch Out transaction (T77)
Added DocumentType codes for Order transactions (T01) to allow for blanket orders (code 221) and Call-off (code 226). Applies in BIS specifications Order Only and Ordering.
Rule PEPPOL-COMMON-R049 (ICD 0007 - Swedish organization number) changed from severity warning to fatal (as announced in the may 2022 release)
Correction in Rule PEPPOL-COMMON-R050 (validation of Australian Business Number (ABN)) corrected
Added eas codes 9959. Removed 9906 and 9907.
Added icd codes 0217, 0218, 0219, 0220,9955
Added Action code (UNCL1229) for Order Change
For all Logistics transactions Code-lists and Business rules have been added.
Version 4.0.0
Release date |
2022-05-31 |
Initial release based on Peppol / UBL
This release is the first release based on Peppol / UBL (Universial Business Language). The release consist of 8 transaction listed below devided into two groups.
Global BIS
BEAst has added documentation to make it easier for the construction industry to use Peppols global BIS and also make it easier for organizations already using the 3.1 version of BEAst to migrate to 4.0. The rules and all the syntax is copied from the Peppol documentation. The BEAst specific documentation is prefixed by BEAst: and in the description the Peppol documentation is prefixed with Peppol: .
Peppol Order transaction 3.2 (T01)
Peppol Order Response transaction 3.0 (T76)
Peppol Order Agreement 3.0 (T110)
Peppol Despatch Advice transaction (T16)
Peppol Invoice transaction 3.0
Logistics Incubation Project
New transactions are developed in Open Peppol incubation project. The initial versions of the transactions are developed by BEAst but will be further developed in the incubation project together with other Open Peppol members such as NOROG (Norwegiean Oil and Gas industry).
Advanced Despatch Advice transaction 1.0 (T120)
Despatch Advice Response 1.0 (T121)
Weight Statement 1.0 (T122)